Reimagining The Daily Upside
Today is one of the most exciting days since we launched: a brand refresh to reflect the next chapter of our company.
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A Message From Our Founder:
I started The Daily Upside just over four years ago and today is one of the most exciting days since we launched: a brand refresh to reflect the next chapter of our company. (Spoiler alert: I hope everyone likes mint green as much as we do.)
We began with a mission to provide forward-thinking business leaders and investors with the insight and clarity they need to cut through the noise and reveal the big picture themes that shape the global economy. That mission has not changed; but, as an organization, we’re much, much more than the newsletter I began writing alone from the confines of my home.
Today, through the support of our readers we’ve grown into a modern, multi-channel media company. With a fast-growing team of journalists, expanded coverage and the addition of specialty newsletters, such as Patent Drop and Power Corridor, we’ve doubled down on our commitment to in-depth reporting in the engaging, optimistic way that readers like you respond to.
Such growth introduced practical challenges, from the need to bring coherence to our expanding portfolio, to creating efficiencies in our internal workflows, to broadening our channels to continue attracting top-tier journalists. These growing pains were an opportunity to re-evaluate our initial brand and evolve it in a manner that both solves those functional problems while also better reflecting our mission through design (e.g. a more focused reading experience; evergreen space to house our stories).
With these new tools at our disposal, our journalists will have a wide, flexible and distinctive canvas for their work, and our readers will have an intuitive platform to study topics of interest, explore long-form content, and hear from thought leaders across industries.
Our business has managed to grow up without fanfare or entitlement, solely on the back of our thorough, creative reporting and the loyal audience that supports us. Now, in addition to our emails, I’m excited to have a beautiful home for the incredible work our reporters do every day.
To all who have supported us, here’s a big thank you. Here’s to more Upside to come.
Happy reading.
— Patrick Trousdale
Founder of The Daily Upside